You aren't alone if you feel upset about even routine dental visits. Nearly 50 percent of American adults avoid professional dental care because of dental anxiety. We understand your fear, and to help, we offer multiple levels of anxiolysis (relaxing) and sedation therapy. We provide essential laughing gas for oral conscious sedation, which involves oral medication formulated to help patients remain calm. We even offer I.V. sedation as you'd use for hospital surgery.
You can relax and get the dental work you need and deserve at Dental Health of Maplewood. First, call to ask questions. Then, if you feel comfortable, schedule an initial consultation with one of our doctors. We want to help you find peace of mind and body for a rewarding dental experience and renewed oral health.
Our Dental Team Is Non-Judgmental and Compassionate
As your trusted dental caregivers, we want only for your optimal oral health and happiness. We are always open to seeing you, even if you haven't seen a dentist for a year or two or even longer. We understand your worries and fears and want you to know that we think taking the first step toward restoring your smile is commendable.
When you set up your first appointment, we will congratulate you on your decision and be honored to help you improve your oral health. Call to schedule a consultation and evaluation today.